May Game News

Good News!

Shanghai is reopening and we just got word the game factory is starting to slowly come back to the production line. Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas is ready for mass production and should be complete in early June.  Freight from China to USA is being booked and the games should be available in August.

See the details on Gamefound

puddle jump games play demo pirte party women of the high seas seaport games

Pirate Party on Tour!

Pirate Party: Women of the High Sea will be at Puddle Jump Play Festival on Saturday, June 18 at Ballard Homestead in Seattle.

Join us to play the game and see a live demo. Details and tickets at PuddleJumpPlay.

Get the Kickstarter limited edition with all stretch rewards, solo player mode, TWO free Seaport Solitaire games, and more!

Pirate Party Game Makes the Sunday Paper!

Pirate Party Makes The Peninsula Daily News Sunday Paper

Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas and the Seaport Games story was featured on the front page of section B of the Peninsula Daily New Sunday paper on October 3, 2021.  The article took the entire full page!   This is an amazing amount of coverage for Seaport Games, a start-up business and the Pirate Party Kickstarter project.  It is wonderful to receive this level of support from the community of Port Angeles and the entire North Olympic Peninsula.  Everyone at Seaport Games is thrilled!

Read the article online HERE

pirate party women of the high seas and seaport games featured in the peninsula daily news sunday paper PDN



Marge Rosen

Marge Rosen

Game Designer

Marge Rosen is a Game Designer for Seaport Games.  She designed the game Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas.  When she isn’t playing games, she’s playing music.

box for pirate party women of the high seas card game. 2-4 players ages 10+
Pirate Party: Women of the High Seas

Features six vibrant, diverse, historical women pirate captains with special powers in this twist on pirate card games.

Race to collect sets of cards by suit that include a captain and crew or sets of 3-of-a-kind. Plunder, pillage and raid from other players to take the largest pirate booty. Mermaid wild cards, period ships, and plenty of adventure. Just beware the Kraken!